Design and execute to final product.
Mustang Engineering company created the Founders Legacy to honor the three men who started their company. "The Founders Legacy is about giving back and investing in the lives of middle school students in the community."
-(Founders Legacy Brochure)-
The boldness of the font displays the strength of the principle and cursive font style for harmony and caring.
"COLTS" logo was created with Adobe Illustrator for the summer internship program at Mustang Engineering company.
Silver Spectrum was a sister company to Silver Express LLC. at the time.
Elegant font with extra curve lines represent a unique style as their jewelry products.
Winning project from Design Workshop at The Art Institute of Houston was created with Macromedia Freehand.
This logo was selected to use at the GHRA Gala Dinner 2002 along with the Gala program and passport book, which was created in Adobe Illustrator